Retail Location

Security Department

4th floor, Encanto Town, Khoroo 26, Bayanzurkh district, Ulaanbaatar city, Mongolia



  • Portrait x2
  • Education, university diploma and professional certificate
  • ID card, copy, reference
  • Proof of residence
  • Social insurance book


  • Documents Requirement
  • Application Form
  • Application selection
  • First Interview
  • Internship period
  • Test
  • Final decision making

Join Us

  • Chance to work with Energetic, Skilled colleagues.
  • Fair chance for every employees to develop
  • Environment which supports employee with aspiration to success.
  • Competitive salary and bonus based on working result.
  • Chance to develop and educate yourself by working in different types industries of business.
Foreign Trade

Foreign trade

The second business of our company is a wholesale supermarket in the trade and service sector. At present, we supply our customers with imported products and products of domestic manufacturers through our “peak” wholesale center and supermarket chain in the Mongolian market.

“ORGIL” food chain has a high position among consumers in Ulaanbaatar, and currently has 11 branches, supermarkets and wholesale centers. We sell products with low price guarantees and provide storage and transportation services for all types of food products in accordance with the hygienic conditions. It also sells its imported products through sales agents in rural areas

At present, our “Circle” LLC has more than 1,000 employees in finance, marketing, human resources, service, sales departments and branch stores.

“Circle” LLC is a member of the Mongolian National Chamber of Commerce and Industry and has been selected as one of the top 100 companies in the competition for the best business entity organized by the Government of Mongolia and the Ministry of Industry and Trade for 6 years in a row.


We would like to thank all the clients and partners who have worked together to make our success possible

Ware house

Ware House

In 2007, our company built an 8000m2 warehouse with the latest technology in accordance with international standards. In 2018, a 35m2 warehouse was built by EDEKA Group technology. With the help of these large warehouses, we receive and store products from internal and external customers in accordance with the standards. The warehouse employs more than 100 people, and our employees are arranged according to the correct location and storage standards in order to keep track of information and prepare it for distribution.

The distribution team delivers more than 40 trucks.

For 17 years in a row, it was selected as a TOP-100 company.
2003 Best Taxpayer Entity



Order of “Encanto Orange Town” Part 3 is here!

As always, we’re offering our customers “Trust Lend” for 5 years, pre-payment 30%, interest of 7.5%


About the choice of rooms:

– 2 rooms: 40,57sqm, 40,20мsqm,

– 3 rooms: 48,15sqm, 71,18sqm, 71,40sqm


You are welcome to visit our Showroom at anytime.

Sales team contact: 9402-8858, 94018858


Forbes Property Awards 2020

ENCANTO TOWER Шилдэг тохижолт, үйлчилгээтэй орон сууцаар шалгарлаа. Хамт олондоо баяр хүргэе!

Forbes Property Awards 2020 Монголын үл хөдлөх хөрөнгийн салбарын шилдгүүдийг шалгаруулах ёслол хүндэтгэлийн арга хэмжээ

Энх амьдралын баталгаа Их хотын бахархал ENCANTO




COVID-19 бүх нийтийн бэлэн байдалд онцгой дэглэм тогтоосон 2020-11-20-ноос 2020-12-01 хүртэл хугацаанд НИЙГМИЙН ХАРИУЦЛАГА-ын ХҮРЭЭНД дараах шийдвэрийг гаргаж байна.

Үүнд :

  1. Өргөн хэрэлээний 100 нэр төрлийн бараа

бүтээгдэхүүнийг Үйлдвэрийн үнээр буюу 10%-ийн

хямдралтайгаар худалдаалах ОРГИЛ гишүүнчлэлийн карттай хэрэглэгчдэд)

  1. Худалдан авалтын босго дүн зааж олгодог байсан

“Гишүүнчлэлийн карт”-ыг доорх 6 салбарт босго дүн заахгүйгээр шууд олгох

  1. “Гишүүнчлэлийн карт”-ны 2% хөнгөлдөг байсныг бүх бараа бүтээгдэхүүнд 3% хөнгөлдөг болгох

Бид хамтдаа энэ цар тахлын эсрэг тэмцэж, хамтдаа даван гарч чадна.

Жич : Дараах 6 салбар дээрх арга хэмжээ явагдаж байна.

  1. Оргил – Энканто
  2. Оргил – Шилтгээн
  3. Оргил – Хороолол
  4. Оргил – Яармаг
  5. Оргил – Амгалан
  6. Оргил – 6 буудал
Rewards & Achievement

